Killing Fields premiered in January of 2016 on the Discovery Channel. The series follows a team of detectives and law enforcement on the hunt for the killer of LSU graduate student Eugenie Boisfontaine, who was murdered in the small town of Iberville Parish, Louisiana in the summer of 1997. For almost two decades, the case has been considered cold. Now, Detective Rodie Sanchez, who was originally assigned to the case, has made the resolute decision to come out of retirement to pursue the killer and bring them to justice. The show marks the networks first expedition into the true crime genre, permitting viewers the opportunity to watch the re-opened investigation unfold.
Prologue directed the opening title sequence for the investigative real-life drama, and designed the main title.
Our ambition with the title sequence was to acclimate the audience with the high level of crime in sections of marshland throughout the United States. We garnered the footage from Discovery, who filmed a myriad of establishing shots of different bayous and landscapes, shot on-location in Louisiana during production. With the show following an active investigation, we digitally appended infrared tripwire beams throughout the sequence, serving as innovative evidence identification markers. The Prologue typography laced throughout the sequence enforces the harsh realities that nature can at times conceal. In honor and remembrance of the victim, we composited Eugenie’s headshot into the aerial landscape shot at the climax of the sequence. The infrared beams act as a through-line, from which the main title materializes. Our collaboration with Discovery continues as we begin work on the second season of Killing Fields.

Killing Fields